Latest Past Events

Wear Red, Get Fed

Wolf Plaza

Event Description: Its Red & White Week. That means free food! Wear an NC State red shirt and get a free item from a local vendor for lunch. Contact Information: Name: NC State Student Alumni Association Email: Location Information: […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018: Software Requests and Security Reviews

Avent Ferry Technology Center - Avent Ferry Technology Center - Room: 106

Event Description: Do you need to renew a license for an existing software or application that uses sensitive university data? Do you need to add a new capability or use new version upgrades and additional functionality? Are you planning to […]

Women’s Center Presents: Love Your Body Day Summit

Talley Student Union - Talley Student Union - Room: 4280

Event Description: Join the Womens Center in celebrating Love Your Body Day, a summit in collaboration with campus partners including the Movement Peer Educators, the GLBT Center and Women's and Gender Studies. The summit will shift the narrative around body […]