BEESS: Skeletochronology and sea turtles

101 David Clark Labs

The BEESS (Biology, Ecology, and Evolution Seminar Series) has announced the spring line-up of speakers!  Join Dr. Larisa Avens from the National Marine Fisheries Service & NOAA Beaufort Lab for her talk, “Skeletochronology and sea turtles: Insights into age, growth, […]

ACM/AITP TechTalk Featuring Andrew Wooster

1231 EB2

Andrew Wooster, a Sr. Principal IT Systems Architect at PRA Health Sciences, will present "Creating a Crowd-Sourcing Marketplace within a Pharmaceutical Services Company". And as always, free pizza!

FOA Lecture: Botanical Treasures of New Zealand and Australia

Ruby McSwain Education Center 4415 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

Friends of the Arboretum Lecture “Botanical Treasures of New Zealand and Australia” Pat McCracken, Garden Treasures Australia ‘s and New Zealand ‘s unique native flora is a result of these countries ‘ geographic isolation. Additionally, plants from around the world […]

Spend a Day at State!

Participating High school Juniors, Seniors and Transfer students have the opportunity to Spend a Day at State and learn more about the College of Agriculture and Life Science and the Department of Crop and Soil Sciences! The visit includes a […]

Lunch @ the Experience Innovation Studio

Experience Innovation Studio at LexisNexis 1801 Varsity Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Please save the dates for nexUX and LexisNexis coming UX lunches (12-1:30pm) at the Experience Innovation Studio. February 14  |  March 13  |  April 10 These are casual events at which we meet one another and build community. Lunch is provided. We currently have no […]

Transfer Admission Application Deadline for Fall 2020 Entry

Transfer applicants for Fall entry should apply by February 15, 2020. Recommendations for Competitive Applicants We are here to help. Call us at 919-515-5820 or email us at to come in and visit us one on one. Come Grow […]

Winter Symposium

Ruby McSwain Education Center 4415 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

“Where Design and Plants Become One” Featuring Shannon Currey, Bob Lyons, and Elissa Steeves We’re here to inspire gardeners and illuminate the relationship between gardening and art at this year’s Winter Symposium. As one of the Southeast’s top teaching gardens, […]

NexUX Mornings

Experience Innovation Studio at LexisNexis 1801 Varsity Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

NexUX is a community of industry professionals and university faculty who come together to consider technology's broader human impacts from an interdisciplinary perspective.   We gather weekly for cross-disciplinary coffee and conversation. Our mornings are open and improvisational.  

Photography Walk: Abstract Macro Photography

Ruby McSwain Education Center 4415 Beryl Road, Raleigh, NC, United States

“Abstract Macro Photography” Mary Louise Ravese, Bella Vista Photography Have you ever wanted to get as close to the heart of a flower as a honeybee does? As you enter into this inner world, images become abstract—emphasizing the features of […]
