Joan Davis

The 33rd Annual Clyde W. Eby Memorial Lecture-Poultry Science Enrichment Series

106 Scott Hall 2711 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend: The 33rd Annual Clyde W. Eby Memorial Lecture The Future of Agriculture Speaker: Aidan J. Connolly, Vice-President of Corporate Accounts, Chief Innovation Officer, Alltech, Inc., Adjunct Professor University of College Dublin, Adjunct […]

Lunch and Learn Seminar

216 Scott Hall

Dr. Yewande Fasina’s, Assistant Professor, NC A&T, Animal Science presents: “Increasing Student Diversity in Poultry Science: A Proposed Collaboration between NC A&T and NC State Universities”

Prestage Department of Poultry Science/Annual Clyde W. Eby Memorial Lecture

2722 Bostian Hall

Dr. Muquarrab A. Qureshi, DVM, M.Sc., Ph.D.,Deputy Director, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Institute of Youth, Family, and Community, is the lecturer for the Annual Clyde W. Eby Memorial Lecture. The topic of his presentation is: “Everything is […]