Laura Taylor

CEnREP Colloquium: Jonathan Lee

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Jonathan Lee, Assistant Professor, Economics, East Carolina University, will be presenting: Electric Utilities’ Prolonged Reliance on Coal: The Impact of Marketable Coal Combustion Byproducts on Fuel Switching.

CEnREP Colloquium: Jonathan Lee

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Jonathan Lee, Assistant Professor, Economics, East Carolina University, will be presenting: Electric Utilities’ Prolonged Reliance on Coal: The Impact of Marketable Coal Combustion Byproducts on Fuel Switching.

CEnREP Colloquium: Christopher Galik

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Christopher Galik, Associate Professor, Public Administration, NC State will be presenting: Modeling Landowner Behavior and the Implications for Prelisting Conservation Policy.

CEnREP Colloquium: Lawson Conner

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Lawson Connor, Ph.D. Student, Economics, NCSU will be presenting: Grower responses to spillover effects from large-scale adoption of transgenic pesticidal corn in the Philippines

CEnREP Colloquium: Natasha James

121 Kilgore Hall 2721 Founders Drive, Raleigh, NC, United States

Natasha James, Ph.D. Student, Forestry and Environmental Resources, NCSU will be presenting: The Impact of Targeting on Participation in Costa Rica’s ‘Payments for Ecosystem Services’ Program.