1231 EB2

FI Series Presents Erik Troan

1231 EB2

The Fidelity Investments "Leadership in Technology" Speakers Series Proudly Presents...Erik Troan - Co-founder & CTO, PendoTopic - How Four Decades of Disruption Empowered Today’s Innovatorshttps://www.csc.ncsu.edu/corporate_relations/fi_lit/839

ACM/AITP TechTalk – Ethereum Enterprise Blockchain & Hackathon Kickoff

1231 EB2

Guest Speaker - Nick Gaski, Technical Consultant w/Kaleido Kaleido is a ConsenSys company dedicated to the growth & adoption of enterprise blockchain to transform how we build economic, social, and political systems. Prior to joining Kaleido, Nick was an offering […]