Avent Ferry Technology Center – Avent Ferry Technology Center – Room: 106

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018: Software Requests and Security Reviews

Avent Ferry Technology Center - Avent Ferry Technology Center - Room: 106

Event Description: Do you need to renew a license for an existing software or application that uses sensitive university data? Do you need to add a new capability or use new version upgrades and additional functionality? Are you planning to […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018: Android Security

Avent Ferry Technology Center - Avent Ferry Technology Center - Room: 106

Event Description: Do you know if your Android is really secure? Have you implemented the right security measures? No worries. Daniel Sink of OITs Security and Compliance will take you through step-by-step recommendations — and requirements if you have a […]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2018: iOS Mobile Device Security

Avent Ferry Technology Center - Avent Ferry Technology Center - Room: 106

Event Description: At their core, Apple mobile devices are generally designed with the best security available, but there are simple security measures you must enable to protect your personal and valuable data. OITs Apple Support Specialist Everette Allen will show […]